Welcome To The World Of A Cycling Dad

From Gaming to Paintball to RC Driting to Golfing and finally to Cycling! Never did I thought that I would one day be hooked onto Cycling but here I am and there is no turining back! The roads maybe long, the climbs maybe steep and the downhills maybe deep... but as my RFC captain always says,

"As Long As The Mind Is Willing, The Body Will Follow!"

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Since Tuesday night I had been having sore throat and slight flu... so I thought that sweating it out on the night ride would cure it... unfortunately it didn't... sigh

Wednesday the sickness starts... worked from home that day while on medication... kinda high most of the time but still managed to finish 1 program... by night time it started to feel a lot worst and couldn't cuddle my son to sleep... had to look at him from a distance only while wearing a face mask... sigh

Thursday (today) morning - felt like shit!! Fever and Flu came full blown... MC today... Slept the whole day till 3pm... felt so much better after overdosing myself on the meds.. cos later at 4am on Friday I have to be at Cyberjaya for the Visa/Mastercard April 2010 Compliance cut-over...

Coming Saturday is the big climb - ULU YAM and I wouldn't want to miss it for the world but unless I am a 100% fit, I will unfortunately have to skip it...

Anyway time to hit the sack again... gotta wake up at 3am later... overdosing myself once more... hope I manage to wake up... NIGHTZZZ


  1. no fun doing Ulu Yam without the giant Ular :P
    speedy recovery!

  2. Getting better de... but hope can get at least 90% recovery
