Welcome To The World Of A Cycling Dad

From Gaming to Paintball to RC Driting to Golfing and finally to Cycling! Never did I thought that I would one day be hooked onto Cycling but here I am and there is no turining back! The roads maybe long, the climbs maybe steep and the downhills maybe deep... but as my RFC captain always says,

"As Long As The Mind Is Willing, The Body Will Follow!"

Saturday, April 10, 2010

A Wet Saturday Morning

6am... woke up with a startle... the sounds of thunder were rolling overhead... it was long and loud and finally pitter patter sounded on the roof... it was hard to hear at first, thought it was my imagination but then it came!! Pouring down like thunder!! RAIN!!

#%A$^&*HD(WD)!((!@*^! - I was cursing to myself...

Texted Ian and told him the ride was off, a few seconds later he texted back :

"Yalah, I heard thunder.... Okie back to sleep"

And so heavy heartedly, I went back to sleep as well... Another beautiful Saturday morning ride ruined by Rain... zzZZZzzZZzZZzZzzzzzz